How the Peabody Chamber of Commerce Can Help Your Business

March 16, 2022 11:39 am

The North Shore Alliance is made up of 30 cities and towns along the northeast region of Massachusetts. While each municipality has their own government, they each have resources to help local businesses achieve success while enriching the community. 

One of those resources is the Chamber of Commerce, geared toward giving local businesses the tools they need to thrive, even in a pandemic world. The Peabody Chamber of Commerce is one such Chamber that is working toward business success through the actions of volunteers with a vested interest in improving the economic, civic and cultural well being of the area.

Peabody Chamber of Commerce

What is the Peabody Chamber of Commerce? 

Much like other cities and towns with a Chamber of Commerce, the Peabody Chamber has the goal of supporting businesses within the community. They believe in advocacy, promotion, and community involvement. They also believe that businesses that work together are stronger than those who do it alone.

This chamber, however, is one of the largest, most influential business groups in the area and has been going strong since 1931.  

Chamber Resources 

One of the strongest parts of this organization are the resources they offer to the business community and the community overall. 

Visit the resources page of their website and you will have access to a number of critical components of the community including: job postings, small business resources, access to the Enterprise Center at Salem State University,, Centennial Businesses and Industrial Park, and the Clean Energy Hub. 

The Small Businesses resources expand into offerings such as: such as starting a business in Peabody, SCORE Mentoring, and small business administration local resources. 

Events & Area Info

Not only are there copious resources for job seekers and small and medium-sized businesses on the site, but there is also great access to an events calendar and area information. 

Check out the chamber and networking events that could help put your business in touch with the right people to help your business grow or allow your organization to start with the support of integral people within the community. 

Also on this page is a comprehensive calendar of community events. While many events over the past couple of years have been remote, we are noticing more and more being held in person to support our local businesses. 

For those who are new to the area or residents that just want to explore their own backyard, the Peabody Chamber of Commerce also offers plentiful information of things to do, places to stay, and establishments to eat at in their section called “Area Info.” Not only are there some wonderful landmarks, restaurants, and businesses highlighted in this section, but there is also plentiful information regarding healthy things to take part in and businesses that could use your backing. 

If you would like a set-by-step guide on how to get involved or become a member visit the member benefits and how to join pages and get started today. 


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