An Interview with Kevin Coppinger – Essex County Sheriff 

September 1, 2022 9:38 am

One of the roles of the North Shore Alliance is to stay on top of what’s going on economically within our state and region. To do this, it is helpful for us to connect with state and local leaders to get a better sense of where we stand as a state and region, regarding community and economic development. 

In a recent North Shore Conversation, a weekly radio show produced by the North Shore Alliance for Economic Development and hosted by Laura Swanson, we had the opportunity to speak with Kevin Coppinger, the Sherrif for Essex County. 

A Little Background on Kevin Coppinger

Five years ago Kevin Coppinger became the 31st elected Sheriff of Essex County. Prior to taking this position, Coppinger served as Chief of the Lynn Police Department. During his thirty-three-year career, he served as a Lynnfield Police Officer before transferring to the Lynn Police Department in 1985.

According to his bio on the Sheriff’s site, “As Chief of the Lynn Police Department, Coppinger distinguished himself as an innovative leader in public safety on the local, county and statewide level. Collaborating with other chiefs, the District Attorney, the courts, and community groups, he worked to identify and employ more effective strategies and programs to prevent crime.”

middleton jail

Programming & Improvements of Inmate Services

The ultimate goal of correctional facilities and jails across the state is to maintain public safety. The programs across Essex County facilities are no different. 

Here are a few of the problems to assist inmates to become more productive and involved members of the community. 

The Farm in Lawrence, Massachusetts

This location houses 60-70 inmates and is a working farm. Residents of the Farm plant seeds, grow veggies and donate the harvest at the end of the season to nonp[rofits, food pantries, schools, and other organizations in need. 

Northern Essex Community College (NECC) Programming

In a partnership with NECC, inmates have the opportunity to attain their high school equivalency, college courses, or credits that can be transferred after release. 

Substance Abuse Programs

With 70% of inmates in the correctional facilities across Essex County suffering from substance abuse, it is critical to provide treatment programs including both medical intervention and therapy to offset addiction problems. 

The goal is to stabilize addictions and treat the issue medically and clinically through classroom and one-on-one therapy sessions. The idea is to get the inmate on the track to sobriety whether it is a drug or alcohol problem. 

Vocational Programs 

Many inmates come into the system without the skills to find a proper career upon reintegration into society. The Essex County Sheriff’s office works to resolve this issue through vocational training programs such as fiber optic and cabling training, certifications in the restaurant industry, hardscaping and landscaping training and the list goes on. 

To find out more about the vocational programs visit the vocational training page of the Essex County Sheriff’s Office. 

Mental Illness Programs 

Approximately 50-60% of inmates that find themselves in the Middleton, Lawrence, or Salisbury facilities suffer from some form of mental illness. 

The Correctional Opportunities for Personal Enrichment (COPE) is a diversion program based in our Middleton facility for those with ongoing mental health disorders. Clients in the COPE program live in a supportive, dormitory-style unit to reduce stress and promote socialization. Staff clinicians are embedded in the unit 24 hours a day to support an individual’s needs.

To read more about programs available through the Sherrif’s Office please visit their site


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