City of Salem Launches Housing Stability Service
Hotline, website, in-person drop-in hours available for eviction intervention, housing assistance, and more.
Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll announced that, in partnership with Essex County Bar Association (ECBA), the City of Salem has launched a new Housing Stability Service, which provides free housing information to Salem’s lower income renters and to Salem’s landlords with lower income tenants. The new service begins March 23, 2022 and includes in-person drop-in hours, a hotline, and a website.
COVID-19 has resulted in many housing challenges for renters and landlords alike, along with a need for housing information and resources related to housing rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. The Housing Stability Service includes drop-in hours, a Housing Stability Hotline and a Housing Stability webpage. Drop-in hours with an ECBA attorney will be available:
Community Life Center – 401 Bridge Street
Espacio – 105 Congress Street
The Housing Stability hot line is 978-500-0973 and will be answered live on Wednesdays from 9am to 2pm and on Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm. Outside those times, owners and renters may leave a message and an ECBA attorney will get back to you.
The Housing Stability website is It will be updated regularly with up-to-date resources and information on tenant/landlord responsibilities, eviction process and eviction intervention resources, court information, laws, and other housing-related information.