How the Programs Of Mass Hire Biz Works Can Help Your Business 

April 5, 2022 10:02 am

One of the roles of the North Shore Alliance is to stay on top of what’s going on economically within our state and region. To do this, it is helpful for us to connect with state and local leaders to get a better sense of where we stand as a state and region, in regards to community and economic development. 

In a recent North Shore Conversation, a weekly radio show produced by the North Shore Alliance for Economic Development and hosted by Laura Swanson, we had the opportunity to speak with two leaders at Mass Hire Biz Works Rapid Response Programs

Our interview we spoke with Ken Messina, the Business Services/Rapid Response Manager and Norca Disla-Shannon the Rapid Response Coordinator for the North Shore, Greater Lowell and Greater Lawrence region. Both of these leaders have extensive experience with these programs. Messina has 32 years working with companies and coordinating with the U.S. Department of Labor. Shannon has 20+ years experience and coordinates the North Shore Rapid Response Program as well as the lead for staff training through the Mass Hires Biz Works programs. 

Faneuil Hall Marketplace

What is Biz Works Rapid Response? 

In the months after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses were a bit confused about the resources they had available to them from the many different agencies across the state. 

The Biz Works Rapid Response team hopes to alleviate any confusion and allow businesses to understand the federal and state programs that can support their organization. 

The ultimate goal of the Biz Works Program is to work in collaboration with the many different agencies around the state to make it as easy as possible for businesses to be able to understand and access services that can help support their organization in this economy. 

How Does Biz Works Rapid Response Work? 

Both Messina and Shannon explain that the process for accessing and understanding the services available now that we are in a different stage of economic recovery is to set up either an in-person or virtual consultation. 

They suggest North Shore businesses should call 1-800-252-1591 to find out about the services such as training or work share programs that can help employers and employees alike. 

As the coordinator of the Rapid Response program in the North Shore, Shannon suggests making the call to meet with the team. From there, the Mass Hire Biz Works will sit with you and learn about the different points in the business cycle and the services/grants that might match. 

Often the question is posed about what industries and size of businesses that Mass Hire/Biz Works will work with. Messina countered with the comment that, “No business is too large or too small.” This program will work with all industries and sizes of organizations from the Raytheon’s and Partners in Health size companies to small start ups. 

Bosto, Massachusetts

Training & Work Share Programs 

During our interview, there were several programs that Messina and Shannon highlighted. There are several training programs that can assist companies including:

  • The On-the-Job Training Contract that can be accessed through the one stop Career Center through Mass Hire where 75% of the pay of an employee who is being trained will be paid for by the grant. This program can last up to 6 months. 
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program where there is an allowance up to $9600 per individual for companies hiring veterans or disabled veterans. 
  • Work Share Program that allows companies to bring back employees slowly. Even if a company can not give as many hours as were given prior, the work share program supplements an individual’s pay with unemployment benefits. 
  • Incumbent Training Grants that are geared toward helping people presently working with your company. Most of these grants fall under the Workforce Training Program and provide up to $250K. They do remind organizations that to apply and qualify for these grants, a company must be in good standing. 

If you need more information about the Mass Hire Biz Works Programs give them a call today or check out their website


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