Introducing North Shore InnoVentures 

June 15, 2022 12:18 pm

Two of the strongest technology clusters in Massachusetts are the cleantech and biotech sectors. Launching and supporting the growth of start-ups in these sectors (and other science fields) is a big part of what our most recent North Shore Conversations guest does for a living. 

Chris Ilsley is the President and CEO of North Shore InnoVentures, a technology business incubator located in the Cummings Center in Beverly, Massachusetts. InnoVentrures nurtures innovative early-stage companies in the biotech and cleantech sectors. 

In a recent North Shore Conversation, a weekly radio show produced by the North Shore Alliance for Economic Development and hosted by Laura Swanson, we had the opportunity to speak at length with Mr. Ilsley of North Shore InnoVentures to find out more about his company and how it is supporting the growth of tech firms in our region. 

Ilsey, a transplant from across the pond, notes that he moved from Cambridge, U.K. to Cambridge, Massachusetts just eleven years ago. Once in the states, he became aware of an opening at InnoVentures and took the opportunity to make his mark on an incubator business. 

What is an Incubator Business? 

North Shore InnoVentures is considered a nonprofit technology incubator because it supports early-stage technology companies in the life sciences, bio-sciences, cleantech area, and Blue Tech by providing mentoring and coaching, and access to technology and equipment all at a reasonable rate. The ultimate goal of this type of business is to aid economic development and workforce development and deliver an impact for these start-ups. 

lab work

What Programs Are Available at InnoVentures? 

Besides access to facilities and equipment, Innoventures offers programming such as North Star Programming and Soft Landing Programming. 

North Star Programming is based upon the idea that early-stage tech companies need help in business know-how. The North Star program gives these businesses access to team building, business classes, “How-Tos” on handling finances, and ideas on how to make a pitch to investors. These business tools (and more) can help launch these tech companies into the level of the industry they are shooting for. 

Soft Landing Programming provides a supportive, cost-effective environment for companies looking to expand into New England or the U.S. markets. Since our region is very international, it makes sense that companies from around the globe would want to set up shop in the Greater Boston and North Shore region. 

Currently, InnoVentures has tech businesses that come from 20 countries and speak over 14 languages. The role of Soft Landing is to help and support these entrepreneurs to assimilate culturally and into the American business world successfully. 

Why the North Shore is an Innovation Destination

Ilsley explained during our conversation that the North Shore is particularly suited for innovation for a number of reasons. 

The North Shore offers: 

  • History of Innovation
  • Many manufacturing and technology businesses
  • Great skills
  • Good community spirit
  • Career opportunities
  • A fantastic talent pool
  • Strong colleges and universities

To learn more about North Shore InnoVentures and how it can assist and support your early-stage technology company visit NS InnoVentures online. 


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