Learn More About the Essex County Community Foundation 

January 19, 2022 8:17 am

The ultimate goal of the Essex County Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life in the 34 towns and cities of Essex County. The needs of families and individuals have grown exponentially during the coronavirus pandemic. Donors have stepped up their giving and partnered together to give at rates that are expanding as the needs do.

Our blog today explores a recent North Shore Conversations podcast on North Shore 104.9, with Beth Francis President and CEO of the Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF) and Stratton Lloyd, Executive Vice President and COO. 

What Is the Essex County Community Foundation? 

The Essex County Community Foundation (ECCF) is a 23 year old community foundation with a mission to help donors achieve their philanthropic goals by connecting them with the causes they care about within Essex County and beyond. 

They do this in three main ways including: 

  • Managing and investing charitable funds
  • Strengthening and supporting non-profits through training workshops, and raising funds for each
  • Bringing a cross section of leaders together to address our county’s challenges by raising funds and deploying strategies that work

The ECCF site explains their goals in a nutshell, “Essex County Community Foundation inspires philanthropy that strengthens the communities of Essex County by managing charitable assets, strengthening and supporting nonprofits, and engaging in strategic community leadership initiatives.”


Covid-19 & Giving 

During this extremely challenging time of covid-19 the pattern of giving is a hopeful one in the midst of all the tragedy. 

Mr. Lloyd and Ms. Francis explained that they have seen donors react to the greatest needs during this time. While basic needs have skyrocketed, so too have donations. The last Giving Report showed that donors have given 5% more than the prior year which is good news for those facing medical, physical, and emotional trauma that this virus has caused. 

Covid has exposed the inequities that have become very apparent to our county. Donating is one way to help people in our area decrease these differences. 

How Do You Prioritize Issues? 

In order for ECCF to make meaningful change and help non-profits where they need it the most both qualitative and quantitative data is used including data research from “In Fact Essex County.org” to determine where the community wants the foundation to focus its efforts.

Recently, communities have identified areas that need attention including: arts and culture, workforce development, small business resiliency, digital equity, and covid relief.  

How Can You Help? 

If you are looking to get involved in your county, ECCF has a dedicated donor page that can help you elevate your giving and connect with nonprofits that support the causes you love. 

To support our work or create a fund close to your heart check out the ECCF donor page.