North Shore Commercial Sites for Development 

October 27, 2021 10:28 am

One of the roles of the North Shore Alliance is to support economic development initiatives across 30 towns along the northeast region of Massachusetts. Not only do we encourage and support growing companies and their leaders, but we also bolster new businesses by providing information about commercial development opportunities for entrepreneurs to start a new business or current business owners to expand their footprint. 

To do this, we highlight commercial priority development sites with the help of the region’s Economic Development Directors, City and Town Planners, and Community Directors. Here are four sites that you may want to delve into for your business plan. 


Former Restaurant Site in Essex, Massachusetts 

The former site of Fortune Palace Restaurant is being redeveloped. The 20,000 sq. ft. building is being demolished and a new building will be elevated out of the flood zone as a brewery with taproom and restaurant.

If you are looking for more information about economic development opportunities like this one or others in a picturesque coastal community like Essex, Massachusetts please contact Brendhan Zubricki, Town Administrator at (978) 768-6531. 

Former Allen Property in Essex, Massachusetts 

Continuing our exploration of economic opportunities in the picture perfect town of Essex, takes us to the former Allen property. 

The site has small lots that are both formerly in residential and commercial use. Unfortunately there is some commercial waste and contamination that is still being explored. 

Again, if you would like more information about the ownership and clean up process of this economic development opportunity or others like this one in Essex, Massachusetts please contact Brendhan Zubricki, Town Administrator at (978) 768-6531. 

Undeveloped National Avenue in Georgetown

If you are searching for a large area of commercial or light industrial use land, this may be just up your alley. 

This industrial and commercial zoned area is located just north of Route 133 and adjacent to I-95. The 95-acre site is mostly undeveloped but has access for 400,000 to 500,000 sq. ft. of commercial/light industrial mixed use areas of which 100,000 sq. ft. are developed. 

The Town of Georgetown “anticipates that 400,000 to 500,000 sq. ft. of commercial/industrial space could be built, and that if multi-story office or mixed-use were included, the build out could increase significantly. The site has been designated a Chapter 43D Priority Development Site and an Economic Target Area.”

For more information contact John Cashell, Town Planner  978-352-5713. 

Hamilton Site 1 in Hamilton, Massachusetts 

Working our way around the North Shore, we find our next economic opportunity in Hamilton, Massachusetts. 

Hamilton Site 1 is a one acre lot owned by Hamilton Development Corporation. This parcel of land is a mixed use project. It could be used for commercial, office or residential purposes. 

The parcel is zoned “Business” and currently houses a historic commercial structure, which will preferably be preserved. It also houses a residence.

For more information on this opportunity contact Dorr Fox at  978-468-5516. 


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